Posts in Rieder Update
June Update

Welcome everyone for this month updates. We have started a new project of loaning out a bicycle to a student at  Mtwapa academy school who comes from far and he /she can use it to get at school and going back home at the right time.

Through Milele sponsorship we have to get the bicycle and currently we are working on the child would be given the bicycle to use it.

The other projects are doing well we do hope this one will be a success to and a good one to the child and anyone who is concerned.The Director of the school she is extremely happy and very thankful to Milele sponsorship and G.A.P. For helping the school kids who are coming from far.

It has been raining heavily over this month and when i visit the school we normally work with most parents are  asking for mosquito nets because some missed the nets we have been donating and its a huge number.

For those who managed to get one have  passed their gratitude for search caring hearts towards them to anyone who contributed and Milele sponsorship program at large.Its really amazing to see how happy the needy family are.

Thanks and be blessed bye!

Monthly Update for May.

Hello! Welcome to this month update,its  another term for our kids to go back to school after a short holiday.Some of our kids have been visiting family members and they had good time with them.its time they have to get back to school for their second term.

We now have two students at high school and the rest are in primary.we have been coordinating with their guardians making sure all the kids are back to school.

Through Milele Sponsorship program we have managed to meet some of there requirement  they had before going back to school like paying of school fees e.t.c. I would to thank Milele family for your hard work and determination towards the program. Its you who has made it possible for this young generation see some light a head of their future through education.

Thanks everyone for your support in building the future of milele kids.Your support deserve credit but am very sure that our Almighty will reword  you in a very special way in all aspects of your life.


Rieder's Updates: February

Hello! Rieder Mwambanga - Our co-ordinator in Kenya

Welcome to our monthly updates. I would like to appreciate the good work you have been doing so far and making everything run well. A big thank you to all as you have been doing a really good work towards Milele programme. We managed to complete the classes at Royal Academy and also made 12 chairs and 2 big tables for the kindergarten pupils at the school - donated by the TEAMS group.

The director of the school really appreciated your effort of supporting the school as most of the pupils are not capable of paying school fees regularly. He also wished to thank everyone through Milele program and the good work Milele directors are doing.

We have been also giving out mosquito nets to a certain village around Royal Academy most of the families had no mosquito nets. Through your donations these needy families were able to receive a mosquito net each. Around 61 families got the nets.

We all know how the mosquito nets are important mostly to the infants and the younger kids below the age of 5yrs. As for the coming month we are expecting long rains thus you did save some lives and saved the next leader in the society. We really appreciate your effort towards this program.

Pendo, Faith and their mum in their new chicken house... Chickens settling in nicely!

We have been also monitoring our chicken project at Shanzu and charcoal business at Mtomondoni (new businesses for two of the families on the sponsorship program) and they are all doing well and they are looking forward to starting to make a living using the projects. We also say thanks a lot for making it happen.

We have our elder girl Josephine she managed to complete her primary education and secured a place at secondary school very soon she will be at school. All our sponsored kids are doing well and for now they have started their end of month exam. Thanks a lot for your support towards us may almighty bless you all.


Rieder's Monthly Updates for September

Hello everyone! Welcome to our monthly updates.We really pass our thanks to everybody who has contributed towards Milele program no matter how little or small it was but we really appreciate your effort and it has helped someone and you will be blessed.

Recently we have been working with Agnes with the books at Royal Academy thus making sure they are in good use. As well to all other project which received the books have adapted the same idea. This idea has really helped the kids to know how to read at a very young age.

We also visited some of the family's of the children who received mosquito net and it was really amazing to see how the parents appreciated your donation hence you have save a future leader from malaria.

Currently we started small projects for our sponsored kids family's who are not able to take care for themselves yet.  We have chicken project and fire wood business which will help them earn a living.

Our sponsored kids plus the new ones are really doing good work in school and all this happened because of your support  we thank you for your support.