Hello All! News from Friday 4th September!
Yesterday we spent some time in the boys childrens home in Mtomondoni where the four sponsored boys live. Rich really amazed them all with his camera and photo printer, and we all had fun taking photos and looking at ourselves. Many of the children in this area have never seen photos of anyone, let alone themselves and many more don't know what they look like, since there are very few mirrors in mtwapa!! All the boys at the home were extremely excited to be able to have a photo to keep and we all had a wonderful time with such simple things!
We spoke to Mr Samwel; the guardian and manager of New Light Children's Home and his wife Beth; father and mother to all the boys there. They were very pleased to hear that Milele were able to sponsor the four boys Charo, Safari, Kaingu and Emmanuel and we planned with the boys and Mr Samwell to take them to get their uniforms after school on monday! Busy busy busy!
We have posted some photos here of the boys at New Light enjoying the camera and of the four sponsored boys, and there will be more detail about each of them individually soon too.
Thanks again everyone for your interest and support! We could never have sponsored these boys without you.
All about the role of our sponsorship coordinator