Posts in Kenya Trip September 2009
New Light Childrens Home

Hello All!  News from Friday 4th September!

The sign outside the New Light Children's Home



Yesterday we spent some time in the boys childrens home in Mtomondoni where the four sponsored boys live. Rich really amazed them all with his camera and photo printer, and we all had fun taking photos and looking at ourselves. Many of the children in this area have never seen photos of anyone, let alone themselves and many more don't know what they look like, since there are very few mirrors in mtwapa!! All the boys at the home were extremely excited to be able to have a photo to keep and we all had a wonderful time with such simple things!

Children from New Light enjoying playing with a camera!



We spoke to Mr Samwel; the guardian and manager of New Light Children's Home and his wife Beth; father and mother to all the boys there. They were very pleased to hear that Milele were able to sponsor the four boys Charo, Safari, Kaingu and Emmanuel and we planned with the boys and Mr Samwell to take them to get their uniforms after school on monday! Busy busy busy!

The four new sponsored boys; Charo (back left), Kaingu (Left), Emmanuel (Front) and Safari (Right)



We have posted some photos here of the boys at New Light enjoying the camera and of the four sponsored boys, and there will be more detail about each of them individually soon too.

Thanks again everyone for your interest and support! We could never have sponsored these boys without you.

Mtwapa Academy

Today we visited Mtwapa Academy Primary school, this is the school where the children on Milele sponsorship program will study. The primary school system works slightly differently to the one in England. Children normally start in the Kindergarten classes (KG1-KG3) at around 2-3 years old. They then progress on to the Standards (STD1-STD8). Each child takes a test at the end of each school year which dictates whether they can move up to the next year or not. This means the schooling is not based on age, but on capability.   

The front gates of Mtwapa Academy



The boys which we seek to sponsor are in years KG3, Standard 1 and Standard 2 this means they are near the start of their school lives and will benefit hugely from being part of Milele. All four boys are very bright and are performing exceptionally well in school with some of the highest grades in their classes!


The view across the court yard of mtwapa Academy, looking up towards the only second floor classroom

We will be posting more information about the boys over the next few days so watch out for more news and photos!


Rich and Amy

Here we are!

Hello everybody! We have arrived into Mombasa, Kenya after a short 9 hour flight and have settled in wonderfully! We have been spending most of our time so far in a shanty town called 'Mtwapa' which is just north of Mombasa on the coastline.

The schools are doing tuition as it is the holidays at the minute and only a few of the children are in class, but we have been welcomed by the director and headmistress of Mtwapa Academy and by some other friends here.

Thanks to all your kind donations and support we have been able to identify four brothers who will be taken onto the sponsorship programme, which is very exciting news!! The four boys are living at the New Light Children's Home in Mtomondoni, a neighbouring residential area near Mtwapa.

Keep watching out for photos of the new sponsored children and more news soon!! 

Thank-you again for all your support! It really is making a big difference here. 

Amy and Rich

Off to kenya

Well it's come to that time, we have just 1 day left before we depart on our first official trip. The bags are packed as much as they physically can be to ensure as many kenyan children can receive gifts as possible. Unfortunately we will not be able to fit every single item in our bags but we will ensure every item donated is used to help as many Kenyan families as possible.

On our visit we will be taking on our first 4 children! That's right 4! This mean we will be looking for 12 sponsors when we return so make sure you send us an email and register your interest if you want to become a sponsor. We will be updating the news blog as much as we can with articles, photos and hopefully some videos over the next 3 weeks to make sure everyone can see our new children and check out what we are getting up t0.